calendar>>November 14. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams S. Korean Puppet Group's Persistent Military Provocations
Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) -- Shortly, ago, traitor Han Min Gu, puppet minister of Defense of south Korea, sent a "commanding message" to the officers and staff officers of units at all levels, while raising a hue and cry over "complicated and instable security situation".

He ordered his inferiors to focus all efforts on "performing their duties," asserting that the "threat of the north's nukes and missiles is becoming potential" and "the north is highly likely to commit strategic and operational provocations aimed to bring about a change in the phase."

Traitor Ri Sun Jin, chairman of the puppet joint chiefs of staff, was busy inspecting units including the third field army command of the ground force and drill grounds for a war against the north, crying out for "strong and resolute counteraction" against "possible provocation from the north."

Meanwhile, the puppet forces staged a two day-long missile alert drill in the East Sea of Korea together with their U.S. and Japanese masters. It was allegedly aimed to "track ballistic missiles and exchange information" to cope with the north's missile provocation.

Rodong Sinmun Monday in a commentary says that it is a chronic evil practice for the group of traitors to kick off confrontation hysteria while recklessly pulling up the compatriots in the north whenever they were facing an extreme ruling crisis.

It goes on:

Much upset by the people's fierce struggle against the regime, the puppet group is becoming ever more frantic in its saber-rattling against the north under the pretext of "security crisis," noisily trumpeting about "the north's provocations."

When the crow flies, her tail follows.

No one can vouch that the puppet group's reckless war moves against the north will not push the extreme tension on the Korean peninsula to the outbreak of a war.

The Park group's persistent military provocations designed to prolong its remaining days would only precipitate its final doom.

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