calendar>>November 14. 2016 Juche 105
Dwelling Houses Completed in Flood-hit Northern Part of North Hamgyong Province
Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) -- One-storied dwelling houses, three-storied and five-storied apartment houses for over 11,900 families, at least 3,000 units, were completed in more than one hundred areas including Hoeryong City, Musan, Yonsa, Onsong, Kyongwon and Kyonghung counties in North Hamgyong Province in a matter of more than 50 days. They were hit by the severest flood in the history of meteorological observation after the country's liberation.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un, taking to heart more than anyone else the disaster suffered by the people in the area along the River Tuman, designated the operations to recover from the flood damage in the above-said areas as the main thrust of the ongoing 200-day campaign and unfolded a bold operation to win the miraculous victory in the drive for turning misfortune into favorable conditions.

In hearty response to the appeal of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea which reflected his noble intention of believing in the people as in Heaven, all service personnel and people turned out as one in the campaign to turn the afflicted areas into fairyland in the era of the Workers' Party.

Service personnel and members of shock brigades who took part in the campaign in recovering from flood damage in Kyonghung County successfully completed dwelling houses at the end of October. Apartment houses for more than 11,900 families in all northern areas including Kyongwon County and Hoeryong Ciy were built as of Nov. 11.

Land leveling was pushed forward along with the construction of new houses, turning the above-said areas into fairly towns under socialism and fairy villages in the era of the Workers' Party.

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