calendar>>November 13. 2016 Juche 105
Third All-People Action Launched in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- The third all-people action was launched on a large scale across south Korea on Nov. 12 to oust traitor Park Geun Hye from office.

Nearly 1.1 million people from all walks of life turned out in the action to demonstrate their will to bring Park Geun Hye to justice of history.

After holding sector rallies in different parts of Seoul, the participants gathered at Seoul Square and held the 2016 people's all-out rally.

Nearly one million people of all social standings including lawmakers from the opposition parties and some lawmakers from the ruling party made the square a sea of candlelight with resentment and hatred for Park.

Speeches were made at the rally.

The participants made public a declaration.

It said that the essence of the "Park Geun Hye scandal" is a crystal of corruption and incompetence and the people's resentment is an expression of the will not to remain a passive onlooker to the abnormal society any longer.

Then the participants, divided into five directions, started a citizens grand march along major roads to encircle Chongwadae with slogan board reading "President Park Geun Hye, resign" in their hands.

Attending the candlelight action were lawmakers not belonging to pro-Park circle of the "Saenuri Party".

Enraged at the police's whisking off demonstrators, the participants waged a fierce fight with the police.

There took place a strike outside Chongwadae. Then the participants held a candlelight rally again.

They staged over-night strike.

Actions of the people for punishing Park were held across south Korea simultaneously.

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