calendar>>November 13. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Inspects Southernmost Islet Detachment in Western Sector of Front
Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA), inspected the outpost on Kali Islet and the defence detachment on Jangjae Islet in the West Sea on the southernmost tip of the western sector of the front.

He first visited the outpost on Kali Islet in the West Sea on the southernmost tip of the western sector of the front by sailing up there despite high waves from where the base of the south Korean puppet forces on Yongphyong Island was in sight.

The outpost newly set up thanks to his far-sighted wisdom and operational plan has turned into a powerful firepower strike base. It is capable of frustrating frequent risky military provocations of the enemy in the waters of the West Sea, firmly defending the inviolable territorial waters of the country and opening fire to wipe out the enemy the moment they perpetrate even a slight reckless provocation.

After going round barracks, education room, mess hall and greenhouse, he gave important instructions to improve the standard of the living of the soldiers on the islet and took benevolent steps for doing so.

At an observation post he learned in detail about the deployment of forces and equipment at the outpost on Kali Islet and the performance of the naval guard duty of the units under the 4th Corps on the front.

He approved the newly worked out combat document of the plan for firepower strike at Yonphyong Island.

Going round combat positions, he indicated important tasks for rounding off combat preparations and increasing combat capability of the outpost.

He expressed expectation and belief that the commanding officers and soldiers of the outpost would devotedly defend their post in the West Sea on the southernmost tip of the southwestern sector of the front of the socialist country.

He visited the defence detachment on Jangjae Islet on his return trip.

He went round the barracks, education room, wash-cum-bath room, mess hall, greenhouse and animal sheds of the defence detachment.

Acquainting himself in detail with the supply service to the soldiers, he showed profound loving care to be conveyed to posterity.

The confrontation with the enemy is the one of fire and, at the same time, a stand-off in idea and faith, he said, adding that the soldiers of the defence detachment should be provided with lots of ideological pabulum, if they are prepared to be the strongest in mental power who do not abandon their revolutionary faith even though they may die, defenders of socialism standing guard over the first line of the class struggle and the stalwart fighters for national reunification,

He underlined the need to train the soldiers to be fighters with versatile knowledge and cultural entertainments.

He was very satisfied with Jangjae Islet clad in thick verdure.

At the observation post he heard a detailed report on the enemy situation and a report on the performance of the combat duty by the defence detachment.

He learned about the current combat preparations of weapons and combat and technical equipment, going round the firepower positions.

Noting that the defence detachment has a very important duty to perform, he gave precious instructions for rounding off its combat preparations.

He gave them a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts before having a photo session with all soldiers and officers and their families.

Accompanying him were Vice-Marshal of the KPA Hwang Pyong So, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, Army Col. General Ri Yong Gil, first vice-chief of the KPA General Staff and director of the General Operation Bureau, Army Major General Pak Jong Chon, director of the Artillery Bureau of the KPA, Army Lieut. General Ri Song Guk, commander of the 4th Corps of the KPA, and Army Major General Ri Yong Chol, political commissar of the corps.

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