calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
National Printing Sci-Tech Presentation Held
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- There took place a national printing sci-tech presentation at the Pyongyang General Printing Plant on Nov. 9 and 10.

The event was held under the sponsorship of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea.

It was attended by officials, teachers, researchers, technicians, graduate students, three revolution team members in the field of printing.

The participants heard more than 50 papers presented by the Publication Guidance Bureau, the Pyongyang General Printing Plant, the Publication and Printing Scientific Research Institute, Pyongyang University of Printing, the Foreign Languages Publishing House, etc.

Introduced there were the successes and experience gained in the work to put the printing industry on a modern and IT basis and locally produce raw and other materials and equipment at a higher level.

There was a lecture dealing with the issues arising in the establishment of the system for putting publication on an IT basis and the integrated production system of printing plants during the presentation.

A closing ceremony was held on Nov. 10.

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