calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities' Impudent Act to Mislead World Public Opinion Assailed
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- Senior researcher of the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK Ju Wang Hwan made public a commentary titled "Impudent act aimed to mislead the world public opinion" on Thursday which said:

According to the south Korean media, traitor Park Geun Hye decided not to take part in the 24th APEC summit due in Lima, Peru from upcoming 18th to 19th.

A spokesman for the south Korean puppet Foreign Ministry on Nov. 8 told the sheer lie that "the president already decided in September not to take part in the summit with full consideration given to the serious security situation prevailing on the Korean peninsula including the fifth nuclear test of the north".

We do not care whether the traitor takes part in the summit or not but what should not be overlooked is the puppet forces' act of explaining the reason in linkage with the DPRK.

The main reason for her being unable to take part in the summit is the internal situation of south Korea which has turned into utter confusion due to the hideous scandal. This is also because even though she takes part in the summit, nobody would talk to the "vegetable president" whose support rate is just 5 per cent and the "criminal president" subject to prosecution's investigation.

But the traitor's efforts to explain the reason in linkage with the DPRK cannot be construed otherwise than a symptom of delirium which can never be understood with proper thinking faculty, rather than a crafty method.

Now south Koreans from all walks of life query "Is this a country?" over the internal affairs which Park put beyond control. This kind of question can be raised only in south Korea which has turned abnormal internally and externally.

The awkward excuse made by the puppet forces for Park's inability to take part in the summit fully reveal that the "assertions" made by Park and officials of south Korea in international arena and "promises" made by them to other countries were hypocritical sophism prompted by arbitrary decision bereft of elementary political sense.

The south Korean puppet forces would be well advised to stop at once the impudent and childish act of finding fault with others to mislead the world public opinion.

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