calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
"Chongryon Branch Conference-2016" Held
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- The "Chongryon Branch Conference-2016" was held at Korean University in Tokyo on Nov. 6.

Present there were Chairman Ho Jong Man and Vice-Chairman Nam Sung U of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), advisors of the Chongryon Central Standing Committee, department directors of its Central Standing Committee, chairpersons of the headquarters of Chongryon and the Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan, delegates of branches, leading officials of organizations and enterprises of Chongryon, full-time and part-time officials of the headquarters and branches of Chongryon and part-time activists of organizations including the Korean Youth Commercial Association in Japan.

A congratulatory message sent by the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK to the conference was read out at the conference.

Ho Jong Man in his report said that during the period under review the branches of Chongryon and the women's union have conducted brisk movement for setting a patriotic example in the new heyday according to the 10-point goal which applied the teachings given by Marshal Kim Jong Un for the work of branches.

A video sent by the homeland was shown at the conference.

Speeches were made.

Citations of patriotic model branches and citations of model branches of different sectors and model branch flags were awarded to exemplary branches of Chongryon.

A letter to Kim Jong Un was read out.

The letter said that the branches, the basic living unit of Koreans in Japan, have comprehensively implemented the five-point task set forth by Kim Jong Un in his important May 25 letter and thus glorified the conference as a decisive leaping occasion in demonstrating the might of Chongryon and ushering in a new heyday of the movement of Koreans in Japan.

There took place a photo exhibition and art performance that day.

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