calendar>>November 10. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities' Racket over "Security Crisis" Denounced
Pyongyang, November 10 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Thursday in an article denounces the Park Geun Hye group for kicking up war hysteria while talking about "threat from the north" and "security crisis" at a time when it is stuck in the mire of total collapse due to the unprecedentedly hideous scandal.

The Park group's loud-mouthed "security crisis" is aimed to deliberately escalate the tension by citing the non-existent "provocation" and "threat" and start a war against the north, the article says, and goes on:

This is a trite method employed by the Park group to tide over the extreme ruling crisis caused by the above-said scandal.

It is a well-known fact that the puppet ruling forces kicked up a racket over "security crisis" and war hysteria while vociferating about "provocation from the north" whenever they faced a ruling crisis.

The Park group is now mired in the swamp of destruction.

Thrown into extreme uneasiness and horror, traitor Park is seeking a way out of them in fanning up "security crisis" and staging war exercises. She is, at the same time, making desperate efforts to weather her ruling crisis by diverting elsewhere the attention of the enraged public.

Pushed into a tight corner, being cursed and denounced by the public, she may go so reckless as to perpetrate armed provocation in the worst case. This is by no means a baseless prediction.

The racket over "security crisis" can never be a cure-all and the puppet forces' stereotyped farce will never work, the article notes, stressing that no matter what madcap saber-rattling the Park group may stage against the north over "security crisis," it will never help seek a way out.

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