calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Professor and Lawmaker Call for Revolution for New Society
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Ok, professor at Hansin University of south Korea, demanded the resignation of Park Geun Hye and held today's struggle is a revolution for building a new society at a rally held in Seoul on Nov. 5, according to press reports.

It is possible to build a new society only when we strongly express the will of all citizens to put an end to all powers which have oppressed us, Kim said.

Jong Tong Yong, lawmaker from the Kukmin Party, in an article on Nov. 7 said that Kim's appeal saw through the essence of the present situation.

The people should put an end to the oppression of all systems binding their existence by giving vent to their resentment, he noted.

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