calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Paper Urges Park Geun Hye to Step down
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Kyunghyang Daily News on Nov. 7 carried an editorial demanding Park Geun Hye's resignation.

Enraged at the monopolization of administration by Park Geun Hye and Choe Sun Sil, citizens strongly demanded the resignation of Park, crowding Kwanghwamun Street in Seoul with candlelights in their hands, said the editorial.

Park suddenly designated the "prime minister" and the "Presidential chief of staff" in disregard of the people's will, it noted.

It is the candlelight action that was taken by ordinary citizens in protest against Park's behavior, saying they could not trust her as she is trying hard to tide over the crisis through procrastination in actuality, talking about responsibility.

The way of bringing the halted administration to normal is for Park to step down at once.

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