calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Flays S. Korean Regime's Moves to Conclude Agreement on Protecting Military Intelligence with Japan
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun on Wednesday in a commentary denounces the south Korean authorities for deciding to resume negotiations on concluding an agreement on protecting military intelligence with Japan and for holding a working consultative meeting with Japan in Tokyo.

It goes on:

Such action is a sycophantic and traitorous act never to be pardoned as it allows the sworn-enemy Japanese militarists to stage a comeback to Korea and means zealous involvement in the creation of the triangular military alliance.

The south Korean puppet forces' decision to resume the above-said confab, vociferating about "rapid and effective response" to the "nuclear and missile threat from the north" would only result in facilitating the formation of the triangular military alliance as sought by the U.S.

It would, at the same time, escalate the tension on the Korean peninsula and in the rest of Northeast Asia and increase the danger of a war against the DPRK.

Lurking behind this is a cynical ploy to divert elsewhere the attention of the angry public strongly demanding the resignation of traitor Park Geun Hye.

Only a stern judgment by history awaits the traitors who have sold off the dignity and interests of the nation to foreign forces.

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