calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
Actions for Resignation of Park Geun Hye Unabated in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Actions of people from all walks of life in south Korea are going on for the resignation of Park Geun Hye, according to press reports.

Organizations under the Confederation of Trade Unions at a rally in Kwangju on Nov. 6 said that the function of the regime was paralyzed due to Choe Sun Sil's monopolization of administration with the backing of Park Geun Hye and thereby all has come not to believe in the "president".

On the same day the Headquarters of the Movement for Defending Democracy held a candlelight rally in Taejon and staged a demo demanding Park's resignation.

There took place similar rallies of civic and public organizations in Pusan, Ryongin of Kyonggi Province, Kyongju of North Kyongsang Province and other places on the same day all at once and the Taejon City Committee of the Minju Party held a rally demanding Park face up to the people's mindset.

On Nov. 7 citizens of all social standings in Seoul held a candlelight rally and staged a demo.

The Committee for Justice and Peace of the Kwangju Archdiocese of the Catholic Church held a rally on the situation in Kwangju and made a candlelight march, shouting slogans demanding Park's resignation.

Lawmakers of the Kwangju City Assembly held a press conference and shouted Park should step down at once as she is patronizing Choe Sun Sil and violating democracy.

The campaign for publishing declarations on the situation is also unabated.

The Action for Checking THAAD Deployment, organizations for opposing THAAD deployment, the Ulsan Citizens Action for Resignation of Park Geun Hye and other civic and pubic organizations held a joint press conference on Nov. 7.

At least 2 340 parents of students, professors, researchers and pastors staged a campaign for publishing the declaration on the situation in South Kyongsang Province.

More than 540 graduates who took part in the struggle while going to Seoul National University during the June people's resistance said in a declaration on the situation on Nov. 8 that Park should step down and this is the order of the people.

The Federation of Politics and Diplomacy of Youth and Children grouping students of 53 high schools across south Korea published a declaration on the situation in Youido, Seoul on Nov. 6 denouncing the Park regime on behalf of youth and children across south Korea.

Meanwhile, wallpapers proposing strikes of students are pasted at universities one after another or activities calling for taking part in them are being conducted.

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