calendar>>November 9. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Inspects Army Sub-unit
Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA), inspected a sub-unit under KPA Unit 1344.

He was briefed on its combat duty, readiness for combat and training.

He was satisfied with the fact that the sub-unit is preparing soldiers into stalwart ones capable of successfully carrying out any difficult combat duty by conducting intensive training under the simulated conditions of hard combat situation and conditions like an actual war on the basis of its deep research into the Party's Juche-based military tactics and combat action mode and methods.

He underlined the need for commanding and staff officers to develop their ability for promptly analyzing and judging combat situation and providing favorable combat circumstance, and find out all unfinished issues in combat preparations and take strict measures for them.

Stressing the need for the sub-unit to conduct effective training, always thinking about combat preparations awake and asleep in high alert, he called for putting training on the Juche, practical and scientific basis while steadily improving its contents and methods to suit the requirement and aspect of modern warfare and characteristics of the sub-unit's combat duty.

Saying the sub-unit has a very important duty to perform so that it should set an example for the entire army in combat and political training and unit commanding and management, he advanced important tasks which would serve as the guideline in rounding off combat preparations including the issue of preparing all soldiers as a-match-for-a-hundred fighters through intensive training and the issue of consolidating all combat positions to be an impregnable fortress with good camouflage.

He took warm care of the life of soldiers while going round the sub-unit's headquarters and bedrooms, rooms for education, wash-cum-bath rooms and mess halls of various companies newly built with the standard barracks designs ratified by the Party.

Feasting his eyes on neat barracks, he called for planting and cultivating more trees to turn the barracks and mountains around them into thick forest, woodland and orchard.

Expressing expectation and conviction that the service personnel of the sub-unit would firmly defend the socialist country by making thoroughgoing combat preparations, bearing deep in mind the honorable mission they assumed before the Party and the revolution, the country and its people, he gave them a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts before having a photo session with them.

Accompanying him were Hwang Pyong So and Pak Jong Chon.

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