calendar>>November 7. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hits out at Serious Racial Discrimination in U.S.
Pyongyang, November 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave the following answer to the question raised by KCNA Monday as regards the fact that a report taking issue with serious racial discrimination in the U.S. was submitted recently to the UN Human Rights Council:

Shortly ago, the working group of experts on people of African descent of the UN Human Rights Council submitted a report on serious racial discrimination in the U.S. to the 33rd meeting of the UN Human Rights Council.

The report disclosed that a lot of Afro-Americans fall victim to violence and killings due to racial discrimination in the U.S. but it is too rare to see the assailants be held accountable for their sins and there exists a "practical structural discrimination" preventing the Afro-Americans from fully exercising their rights.

As disclosed by the report, it is the wretched plight of the black in the U.S. society that they should be shot to death by the white policemen, being objects of all maltreatments and contempt by the white.

The ever-festering conflicts among different races in the U.S. are an inevitable product of the lingering structure of racial discrimination in the U.S., the worst human rights abuser in the world.

This being a hard fact, the U.S. is styling itself the "human rights judge" in the international arena, impudently faulting "human rights issue" of other countries, specifically African countries, whenever an opportunity is presented.

It has become clearer that the U.S. has neither face nor qualifications to be a "human rights judge."

The ruling forces of the U.S. should halt their imprudent "trumpeting about human rights" and opt for curing their corrupt and unethical social system that turned into a hotbed of serious racial conflicts.

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