calendar>>November 7. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Hypocritical "Human Rights" Racket Exposed
Pyongyang, November 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Kum Hui, a researcher of the Human Rights Institute of the Institute of International Studies of the DPRK, released an article titled "Truth about U.S. hypocritical 'human rights' racket' is disclosed".

The U.S. is trumpeting about "protection of human rights" while claiming that "respect of human rights constitutes the U.S. basic view on value" and "human rights issue is the pivot of the U.S. external policies", the article said, adding:

The "human rights" touted by the U.S. cannot be construed otherwise than the unpopular rights for the privileged reigning over the masses, which conniving at exploitation and domination of man by man.

What is more impudent is the supra-class nature of the "right to freedom" and "right to equality" touted by the U.S., a revelation of extreme shamelessness to cover up the exploitative and aggressive nature.

The article exposed the situation of the "exemplary human rights-loving state" being billed by the U.S., giving a detailed account of the fact that the U.S. is cooking up non-existent "human rights issues" of other countries in the international arena and is busy with "settling" them as if it were the "human rights judge".

This fully reveals that the "protection of human rights" touted by the U.S. means misanthropy and violation of human rights and the U.S. is the worst human rights abuser that should be taken to court, it pointed out.

Noting that such worst human rights abuser in the world dares pull up the DPRK over its "human rights" situation, it went on:

Though the U.S. is resorting to the frantic "human rights" racket against the DPRK by mobilizing its vassal forces and human scum, the DPRK will shatter the desperate moves of the hostile forces by dint of the might of the single-minded unity and more powerfully demonstrate its dignity as human rights guardian and a beacon of hope of mankind.

The U.S. "human rights" racket against the DPRK is bound to face ruin.

This is the final judgment made by justice and conscience of mankind.

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