calendar>>November 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Park Geun Hye's Sinister Intention to Reshuffle Her Stooges
Pyongyang, November 7 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Monday in a commentary discloses traitor Park Geun Hye's sinister intention to reshuffle her stooges. It goes on:

A few days ago, she removed U Pyong U from the post of chief secretary for civil administration and designated Choe Jae Gyong, a man of wicked prosecutor origin, as part of reshuffle of Chongwadae.

That Park reluctantly removed U Pyong U whom she persistently protected and sheltered is aimed to cover up the "Park Geun Hye, Choe Sun Sil scandal" which is gaining in scope day by day and posing a threat to her lifeline and evade the worst ruling crisis.

Choe Jae Gyong is a dirty stooge of the dictatorial regime who made desperate efforts to gloss over sandals of the ruling forces in league with the puppet conservative group under the mask of prosecution.

Choe took the lead in obliterating justice and democracy and maintaining the dictatorial regime while flattering and yielding to the power without any principle. Park who knows well about such disposition of Choe is working hard to use him now that she finds herself in a difficult condition.

It is her calculation to leave the prosecution at the hands of Choe and manipulate the controversial case behind the scene to lead it in her favor.

Park's foolish tricks can not work on anyone. The south Korean people will not pardon it.

If she glosses over the case, this will only precipitate her self-ruin.

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