calendar>>November 7. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Urged to Stop Administration
Pyongyang, November 7 (KCNA) -- The south Korean newspaper Hangyore on Nov. 5 carried an editorial denouncing the deceptive "talk to the people" made by traitor Park Geun Hye.

It said Park made the second apology before the people over the administration monopolization but she could not calm down the people's anger and prostration.

The people were disappointed again at the "president" who laid the blame at the door of Choe Sun Sil and nobody will believe in such "elucidation," the editorial said, and went on:

Even though the support rate dropped to five percent, Park is trying to lead the state affairs, and even the person related to Chongwadae said her "talk" meant that the prime minister should lead the state affairs.

Park Geun Hye should deeply understand the meaning of the lowest support rate and stop administration as early as possible.

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