calendar>>November 6. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Flays Park Geun Hye Group for Its Military Nexus with Japan
Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) -- Recently, the Park Geun Hye group of traitors had a confab for promoting again an "agreement on protecting military intelligence" with Japan in Tokyo, while trumpeting about someone's "potential nuclear and missile threat".

Minju Joson Sunday in a commentary denounces it as a heinous treacherous act of opening the way of reinvasion for the Japanese reactionaries, the sworn enemies of the Korean nation, and zealously joining in the triangular military alliance for aggression.

As for the said agreement, it is a treacherous document which was thrown into a dumping ground being denounced and rejected by the south Korean people of all social standings as the "second Ulsa treaty" as it was disclosed to have been pushed forward by Japan and the Lee Myung Bak conservative group in a secret room in 2012 at the instigation of the U.S. and, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The moves of the Park group to conclude such a document with Japan are aimed to further facilitate exchange of military intelligence with the U.S. and Japan to build and round off the triangular military alliance at an early date. In other words, it is a revelation of its sinister intention to directly exchange military intelligence with Japan in a bid to screw up the regional situation and stifle the DPRK in league with foreign forces at any cost.

The puppet group had a confab for military nexus with Japan, pursuant to the U.S. manipulation and scenario for holding military hegemony in Northeast Asia. Lurking behind this is the crafty intention of the Park Geun Hye group of traitors to seek the way out of the serious ruling crisis in military nexus with its U.S. and Japanese masters.

The puppet group should stop acting rashly, clearly understanding that the one of the main fighting goals of the south Korean people all out in the campaign for the resignation of Park is to put an end to the group of traitors.

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