calendar>>November 4. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Kumsong University of Politics Marked
Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- Kumsong University of Politics marked its 70th founding anniversary.

The university is a reliable center for training cadres of the Party to comprehensively train youth political workers and officials of working people's organizations.

President Kim Il Sung, with deep insight into the importance of the work for training young cadres after the liberation of the country, founded the central school for training young cadres, the predecessor of Kumsong University of Politics, on Nov. 5, Juche 35 (1946). During the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War, too, he made sure that the work for training cadres was conducted without interruption and personally visited the university and wisely led the work to improve the education and management.

Leader Kim Jong Il reposed such profound trust in the university as seeing to it that the university went by the immortal august name given to the President by young communists in reverence for him and a new building of the university was built in the period when the country was suffering difficulties. And he energetically led the university to successfully carry out its mission and duty for training officials of the youth league and working people's organizations, repeatedly sending modern educational equipment to it.

The seven decades-long history of the university is recorded with the proud feats it has performed by training reliable youth political workers and officials of working people's organizations who play a core role in the development of the youth league and working people's organizations after having an able educational force and a firm material and technical foundation thanks to the great leaders' original policy of training officials of working people's organizations and their loving care.

A meeting for marking the anniversary was held on Friday.

Present there were Choe Ryong Hae, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), officials of the Party Central Committee, working people's organizations and institutions for training the party cadres, officials concerned and teachers and students of the university.

A congratulatory message of the WPK Central Committee to the teachers and students of the university was read out at the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the participants went round the exhibition of educational and scientific achievements of the university and enjoyed an art performance given by its teachers and students.

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