calendar>>November 4. 2016 Juche 105
Dissolution of Jongyongryon Demanded in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- South Korean public is becoming increasingly vocal demanding the dissolution of the "National Federation of Businessmen" (Jongyongryon) after the disclosure of the fact that Jongyongryon collected money from businesses to build the Mir Foundation and the K Sports Foundation at the instruction of Chongwadae, according to reports.

On Nov. 1 media of south Korea reported that a vice-chairman of Jongyongryon confessed at the prosecution that money was collected to build the Mir Foundation at the instruction of Chongwadae, thereby making an investigation into the businesses which donated money inevitable.

It was reported that the money Jongyongryon collected from Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors and other businesses amounted to nearly 77 billion won.

It is not the first time that Jongryongryon collected slush funds in collusion with the regime.

The amount of money Jongryongryon collected from businesses in obedience to power surpassed 300 billion won, the reports noted.

People from all walks of life and media of south Korea said Jongyongryon was an assistant supervisor who moved at the instruction of Chongwadae whereas businesses were no more than temporarily hired actors.

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