calendar>>November 4. 2016 Juche 105
Youth and Students Organizations in North, South and Overseas Resolve to Shatter Japan's Reinvasion Moves
Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) -- The Youth and Students Sub-committee of the North Side Committee, the Youth and Students Headquarters of the South Side Committee and the Youth and Students Committee of the Overseas Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration issued a joint resolution on Nov. 3.

87 years have passed since the anti-Japanese struggle waged by the Korean students in Kwangju in protest against the barbarian colonial rule by the Japanese imperialists and their ferocious contempt and insult to Korean women students swept the whole of Korea, the resolution said, and went on:

The Kwangju student incident was an eruption of the pent-up grievance and resentment at the Japanese imperialists who inflicted all misfortune and pain on the Korean people through the brutal colonial rule after illegally occupying Korea and a righteous patriotic struggle of the Korean students to retake the freedom, independence and national dignity.

Japan, far from reflecting on and apologizing its past crimes, is mocking the Korean nation while distorting and denying its history of aggression.

Openly revealing its attempt at grabbing Tok Islets, Japan is putting bigger spurs to the moves for reviving militarism and launching reinvasion, intensifying political persecution and suppression of Koreans in Japan and persistently obstructing the reunification of Korea all its compatriots want.

Moreover, the anti-reunification forces' pro-Japanese act to connive at Japan's past crimes and open the way for the Japanese reactionaries to stage a comeback to Korea is stirring up great resentment of Korean youth and students at home and abroad.

The resolution continued:

Firstly, we will fight it out to let Japan make an apology and reparation for all crimes it committed against the Koreans after invading Korea.

Secondly, we will resolutely reject the moves of Japan for distorting history, grabbing Tok Islets, reviving militarism and reinvading Korea.

Thirdly, we will resolutely check the moves of the Japanese reactionaries to crack down on Koreans in Japan.

Fourthly, we will wage a more dynamic and patriotic movement for peace and independent reunification of the country under the unfurled banner of national independence and great national unity.

Fifthly, we will actively support the proposal for holding a nationwide great meeting for reunification sparking off the ardent response at home and abroad, successfully hold the great meeting of Korean youth in which youth and students of all social standings in the north, the south and abroad would take part as an immediate task and thus take the lead in opening up a new turning phase of national reunification.

To this end, we will hold a working-level contact of delegates of youth and students in the north, the south and abroad late in November or in the period to be agreed upon to discuss all practical issues for pushing forward the great meeting of Korean youth for reunification.

The resolution ardently called upon all the youth and students at home and abroad to turn out as one in the patriotic movement to hold the great meeting of Korean youth for reunification without fail and pave a wide avenue to peace and reunification of the country.

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