calendar>>November 3. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean People Stage Actions against Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) -- South Korean people from all walks of life are steadily staging various forms of actions to judge Park Geun Hye, according to reports.

On Oct. 1 and 2, students of Jonnam University and professors of Kangwon University in the declarations on the situation said that Park Geun Hye is not "president" and should stop acting the puppet.

Earlier, students, graduates and teachers of Hansin University in a joint declaration on the situation noted that the Park regime's act is an indelible insult to many martyrs who fought for independence and democracy of south Korea.

The Taejon headquarters of the movement for defending democracy held a candlelight action of citizens in Taejon.

On Oct. 31, organizations including the emergency situation measure council of media organizations and more than 60 civic and pubic organizations in south Korean Kangwon Province and 261 organizations in South Jolla Province held press conferences.

Labor movement organizations decided to stage a joint action to urge Park Geun Hye to step down and entered into a strike on the situation outside the building of the puppet government from Nov. 1.

Meanwhile, opposition parties have strengthened protest actions.

The Minju Party on Oct. 1 held a gathering of the people to probe the truth behind "Park Geun Hye and Choe Sun Sil Gate" at the "National Assembly".

The floor leaders of the Minju Party, the Kukmin Party and the Jongui Party met at the NA and named the "Choe Sun Sil Gate" after "Park Geun Hye and Choe Sun Sil Gate" and discussed the orientation of action including the investigation of prosecution and the enforcement of inspection into the administration for probing the suspicions.

On Oct. 2, traitor Park conducted partial reshuffle including the informal designation of a new "prime minister". The opposition parties branded this as an act aimed to turn the situation in her favor, preserve the power and turned down the hearing of the NA related to the reshuffle.

The Seoul mayor denounced the unilateral announcement of the reshuffle list as an act of mocking the people.

On Oct. 31, the puppet prosecution authorities arrested Choe Sun Sil and took her to the Seoul detention house in the face of strong protest by the people from all walks of life.

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