calendar>>November 2. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean People Turn Out in Anti-Park Geun Hye Actions
Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- South Korean people from all walks of life are strongly demanding traitor Park Geun Hye step down, according to press reports.

On Oct. 29, the federation of the postgraduate general student councils of 10 universities made public a declaration on the situation in demand of the creation of a suprapartisan body replacing Park Geun Hye.

Workers, media persons, religionists and other people call for punishment of the chief executive.

12 media organs called a press conference to declare that they would struggle together with civic and public circles and other people till Park Geun Hye steps down.

The south Korean Council of Christian Churches said Park Geun Hye should resign and face legal investigation and punishment in a proper manner.

The south Korean Kyunghyang Daily News on Oct. 31 carried an editorial titled "President Park Geun Hye should take hands off state affairs".

On Oct. 29 there appeared a scaffold near Kwanghwamun in Seoul which is symbolic of punishment of Park Geun Hye, drawing public attention.

The support rate for Park Geun Hye dropped as low as 10.4 percent, according to the results of opinion poll issued on Tuesday.

The Newsis of south Korea said that it showed the people do not recognize Park Geun Hye as "president," in fact.

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