calendar>>November 2. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun on Feats Kim Jong Il Performed in History of Building Juche-based Media
Pyongyang, November 2 (KCNA) -- Under the guidance of leader Kim Jong Il the Party's media could take on a more splendid appearance as the leader's media and creditably perform its mission and duty in carrying out the Party's cause in the grim years, says Rodong Sinmun Wednesday in an article.

Kim Jong Il's feats lie in that he clearly indicated the way to be followed by the Party's media, made sure that the media powerfully encouraged all service personnel and people and built a powerful huge contingent of Juche media, the article notes, and goes on:

He put forward the programme of modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism and attached primary importance to the Party's media in the struggle to carry it out.

The ideas and theories on media enunciated by him ranging from the mission and duty of the Party's media to the principles and ways of building them are the guidelines which the Party's media should hold fast to.

He energetically led the media to make all service personnel and people seethe with the zeal to make a revolution and wage struggle and patriotism true to the Party's grand plan for building a powerful socialist nation and act as pioneers in vigorously arousing them to implement the Party's policies.

It was Kim Jong Il who took warm care of the journalists and other media persons so that they might become genuine revolutionaries of Juche type who know the Party and the leader only from the period of laying down the Party's foundation for carrying forward the cause of Juche and it was again Kim Jong Il who worked heart and soul to train them as revolutionary and militant ranks faithful to the Party's cause.

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