calendar>>November 1. 2016 Juche 105
Ban Ki-moon's anti-DPRK Reckless Remarks Censured
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Despite the warnings of the DPRK, Ban Ki-moon has not stopped hurling mud at the DPRK.

On Oct. 21 he took issue with the DPRK over its measures to bolster up its nuclear force at an official meeting and made no scruple of crying out for quickly adopting a "UN resolution on sanctions" against the DPRK. He went the lengths of letting out a whole string of vituperation that "serious human rights abuses are unabated" and "the north's human rights issue should be discussed by the international community."

Even today when he is to lose the job as UN chief, he is taking the lead in the campaign to "impose sanctions on the north" and pull up it over "its human rights issues". His behavior is prompted by the sinister intention to curry favor with the U.S. and Park Geun Hye in an attempt to become south Korean puppet president even by hurting the fellow countrymen in the north.

He is a wicked stooge of the U.S. who is hated by the south Korean people as proven by his disgusting behavior.

He has gone reckless in his sycophancy towards the U.S. and confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north since he sought a job as a politician, clinging to the coattail of the U.S.

When holding the post of puppet minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he deteriorated the north-south relations, pursuant to Bush's theory of "forcing the DPRK to scrap its nuclear program first", and cried out for dispatching south Korean troops to Iraq at the beck and call of the U.S.

He was censured as "American diplomat" for his pro- U.S. diplomacy.

After becoming UN secretary general under the wire-pulling of his American master, he has abused the international arena as a platform for confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north, zealously backing the U.S. and Park's racket to impose sanctions on the DPRK and their smear campaign.

No wonder, over the last decade of his office as UN secretary general the world body has turned into the most corrupt and inefficient international organization which allowed the high-handed and arbitrary practices of the U.S. and its vassal forces and legalized invasion of weak small countries and injustice.

It is great shame on the nation that such traitor as Ban is allowed to go frantic in the international arena with worship of the U.S. and submission to it and confrontation with compatriots, instead of doing even a single thing for the fellow countrymen and the nation.

Ban is sadly mistaken if he calculates he can easily become "president" if he wins Park's favor with the backing of the U.S.

It is the reality of south Korea that the south Korean people from all walks of life are chanting slogans "Judge Park Geun Hye!" " Impeach Park Geun Hye!" and closest confidants of Chongwadae and the "Saenuri Party" are jumping from the sinking "Park Geun Hye boat" one after another to survive.

The south Korean people have already sentenced him to death as he is making desperate efforts to take over power from Park on deathbed whose support rate is rapidly sinking.

He would be well advised to bear in mind that he would not be able to return to south Korea as an ordinary man, to say nothing of seeking presidency.

Even country dogs will not welcome Pan.

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