calendar>>November 1. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Termed Biggest Prison, Torture and Murder State
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The true nature of the U.S. as the world's worst human rights tundra has been brought to bolder relief recently.

La Juventud, organ of the March 26 Movement of Uruguay, carried a photo-accompanied article recently which said that 24,000 prisoners in 50 prisons in 12 U.S. states staged mass protest for 40 days against the police barbarous actions.

U.S. Website VOX said that the protests were attributable to the barbarous acts of police and labor conditions of "modern version of slavery" which was enforced at national, federal state and private prisons.

Prisoners in different parts of the U.S. staged protests all at once on the 45th anniversary of the killing of prisoners in Attica Prison, New York, a clear indication of the serious human rights abuses in the U.S. prisons.

As known, there was a riot of prisoners in the prison on Sept. 9, 1971 against the inhumane treatment.

More than 1,000 protesters waged a fierce struggle for four days, being armed with clubs and iron tube.

They punished executioners and threw into prison warders and demanded immediate release of all political prisoners.

Much upset by this, the then Nixon group sent hundreds of military police to put down the protesters in the course of which 33 prisoners were killed.

This time, too, the prison warders armed with small arms and tear gas guns encircled protesters and threatened them and committed such inhuman act of coercively feeding the prisoners who were on a hunger strike.

Now in U.S. there are more than 2.2 million prisoners.

According to internet newspaper Global Post, the U.S. which accounts for just 5 percent of the world population holds 25 percent of the total number of prisoners worldwide.

Clint Smith, post-graduate student of Harvard University, said that lots of people are being put behind bars on charges of involvement in widespread socio-political cases.

Human rights abuses in prisons baffle human imagination.

Torture has been adopted as a policy in the U.S. and not only methods used during the medieval era but means aided with modern science and technology are being used to torture prisoners in the severest manner.

CIA spent tens of millions of U.S. dollars to invent new torture techniques and methods.

They include making prisoners stand for 180 hours, letting them maintain stressed posture, not allowing them to sleep with their hand-cuffed hands held up, ice bath torture, torture by letting them lie in coffin, letting them eat and sleep in water, putting insects into a small box where a prisoner is kept, forced feeding, electric torture and sexual torture.

No wonder, delegates from more than 110 countries to an international meeting in May last year exposed human rights abuses committed in the U.S. and tendered at least 350 recommendations to the U.S. authorities on putting right the inhuman and unethical human rights performances.

The horrible human rights situation in the U.S. finds its vivid manifestation in the ceaseless gun-related crimes.

Against the backdrop of rapid increase in murder of black people by police, there was a barbarous shooting of a Ugandan man called Alfred Olango by police in California, U.S. toward the end of September.

The American police shot five bullets at defenseless Alfred, mercilessly killing him.

The police made excuses that he thought the man was taking out a gun but, in fact, he had no gun.

The victim was the 217th black man who met grievous death by the U.S. police this year.

The Ugandan ambassador to the U.S. lodged an official protest with the U.S. government and demanded earlier probe into the truth.

Gun-related crimes have become an incurable "malignant epidemic" in the U.S.

Two university students were killed on the campus in North Carolina State University on October 2 in October and on 3rd there were two shooting sprees in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which left six injured.

Shooting sprees on the 15th and 18th caused several casualties in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Gun reports are heard at any time in different parts like campus, streets, apartment buildings, shops, parks, hospitals, public places and even entertainment halls.

The number of arms possessed by citizens numbers about 300 million and more than 30,000 are killed and at least 200,000 are injured due to arms every year.

Commenting on the severity of the gun-related crimes in the U.S., its publication said it is deplorable that Americans are spending each day with easiness and horror amid the medieval darkness.

Hard to find in the world is such country as the U.S. where the right to existence and security of people are not guaranteed and even elementary human rights are wantonly violated.

It is shameless for the U.S. to style itself "human rights judge" while trumpeting about "human rights issue" of someone.

It is by no means fortuitous that the international community denounces the U.S. as the "patent" area of human rights of the U.S. and the world's biggest human rights abuser.

The U.S. had better mind its own business before talking about "human rights issue" of others.

It is the unanimous demand of the international community that it is imperative to bring the U.S. to the human rights tribunal and mete out stern punishment to it.

History will certainly force the U.S. to pay for the worst human rights abuses.

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