calendar>>November 1. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Park Geun Hye Group's "Human Rights" Racket against DPRK
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- Driven into a tight corner by their unprecedented ruling crisis, the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea are acting like a drowning man catching at a straw.

Recently, the puppet forces staged a ground-breaking ceremony for "June 25 War Defectors' Memorial" and the farce called "international film festival on human rights in the north".

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in a commentary brands this as a foolish act to downplay the daily growing strategic position of the DPRK and tarnish its dignified image and prevent the cooperation in pressurizing it from sinking.

The above-sad burlesque is aimed to groundlessly label the DPRK an abductor and to escalate international "human rights" racket against the DPRK, the commentary notes, and goes on:

Finding themselves in the abyss of ruin due to unprecedented scandals including the case of Choe Sun Sil's monopoly of state administration, the Park group orchestrated such ruckuses in a bid to divert elsewhere the attention of the public focused on them and prolong their remaining days.

Being keen on plots and fabrications, the puppet forces have frantic in their provocations against the DPRK. But they can never cover up their sinister intention lurking behind them.

What the puppet forces are concerned about is not the human rights issue. Their ulterior aims are to collude and conspire with outsiders and hurt and stifle the fellow countrymen under the signboard of "human rights". What they really seek through the above-said charades is to escalate the anti-DPRK "human rights" racket and put spurs to the cooperation in international pressure by escalating the smear campaign against the fellow countrymen in the north.

The Park group had better bear in mind that their madcap racket for confrontation would only precipitate their doomsday.

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