calendar>>October 30. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Media Ridicule Park Geun Hye
Pyongyang, October 30 (KCNA) -- According to reports of Kukmin Ilbo and Choongang Ilbo of south Korea, traitor Park Geun Hye appeared in Pusan with haggard face on Oct. 27, two days after she made an "appeal to the people" only to suffer shame.

She was accompanied only by a few juniors concerned.

University students in Pusan City took to the street in demand of Park's resignation after learning that the idiot of Chongwadae was coming to Pusan.

Choongang Ilbo said "president Park" came out for her first outside tour after her apology but there were so many vacant seats in the venue of an event.

A former lawmaker from the Minju Party also strongly criticized Park.

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