calendar>>October 30. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Papers Mark DPRK's Holidays of October
Pyongyang, October 30 (KCNA) -- Foreign papers dedicated articles to the 19th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the 71st founding anniversary of the WPK and the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU).

The Congolese paper Le Patriot on Oct. 3 carried an article titled "WPK and building of powerful nation", illustrated with a photo of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The Pakistani paper Election Times on Oct. 4 ran an article under the title of "Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK," which praised him for developing the WPK into the steel-strong vanguard advancing in reliance on the might of ideology and the power of unity and enforcing the politics of prioritizing the people and respecting and loving them.

The Nigerian paper Nigerian Observer carried an article titled "People praise WPK" on Oct. 5.

The Kuwaiti paper Kuwait Times on Oct. 6 ran an article titled "'DIU' and WPK", which dealt with the formation of the DIU and its historic significance, adding that the WPK has built and developed socialism in line with the grand ideal and goal set by the DIU.

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