calendar>>October 26. 2016 Juche 105
National Symposium on Seed Potato Production Held
Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- A national symposium on seed potato production in the DPRK was held at the Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Science on Oct. 25 and 26.

Present there were officials and researchers of ministries, national institutions and in the fields of scientific research, education and relative units and staff members of the mission of the European Union Program Support in Pyongyang.

The speakers said that the research into potato seed is brisk in the DPRK now at a time when demand for potato, heath and macrobiotic food, is on the daily increase worldwide, adding that its vitality is being displayed in production.

The symposium will offer an important occasion in swapping successes and experience gained in the field of potato seed selection and reenergizing mutual cooperation and exchange, they noted.

They briefed the participants on the issues arising in establishing the system of potato seed selection and sharply increasing its production.

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