calendar>>October 26. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Arms Buildup in Asia-Pacific Region Denounced
Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- The U.S. arms buildup in the Asia-Pacific region is obviously aimed at containing big powers in the region with military edge and building an order whereby everything is settled under its baton, Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says in an article.

The U.S. regards the Korean peninsula as its main target and key region to dominate Asia-Pacific, the article notes, and goes on:

It is the U.S. calculation that it can put neighboring big powers under its control only when it uses the Korean peninsula as a springboard. That is why the U.S. considers the DPRK as its primary task to grab it. To this end, it is massively introducing latest weapons and equipment into south Korea and its vicinity, while dramatizing the "story of threat" from the DPRK.

The U.S. resorted to nuclear threat and blackmail against the DPRK in the past, too. But it is something unprecedented that it is staging nuclear bomb-dropping drills as now with ill-famed nuclear strategic bombers involved.

The prevailing situation calls on all the countries desirous of world peace and security to sharpen vigilance against the U.S. arms buildup in the Asia-Pacific region and turn out in the struggle to check it.

The peace-loving DPRK will make every possible effort to prevent the U.S. from igniting a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula and in the rest of the Asia-Pacific region and ensure genuine peace and security there.

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