calendar>>October 21. 2016 Juche 105
3rd National Scientific and Technological Presentation and Workshop in Field of Mushroom Production Held
Sariwon, October 21 (KCNA) -- The 3rd national scientific and technological presentation and workshop in the field of mushroom production took place in Sariwon City, North Hwanghae Province on Oct. 20 under the sponsorship of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea.

Present there were scientists, technicians, researchers, field officials and cultivators of mushroom from more than 20 units including the Central Mushroom Research Institute of the State Academy of Sciences, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang Jang Chol Gu University of Commerce, Pyongyang City and North and South Hwanghae provinces.

It heard over 80 papers conducive to putting mushroom production on a scientific, intensive and industrial basis including the development of new mushroom species suited to the actual conditions of the country.

There took place a workshop on the technology of cultivation according to various species of mushrooms and a series of scientific and technological problems related to the industrial production of mushrooms.

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