calendar>>October 21. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Group Accused of Their Moves to Suppress Progressive Persons of Literature and Arts
Pyongyang, October 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of the Unions of Literature and Arts of Korea released a statement Friday in connection with the disclosure of the fact that the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea worked out a blacklist aimed at suppressing progressive persons of literature and arts and sent it to a ministry.

According to data available, the blacklist worked out by Chongwadae at the instruction of Park Geun Hye includes those who signed the declaration on the retraction of the "enforcement ordinance of the government for ferry Sewol" and those who supported the declaration on situation for the ferry disaster and those who supported candidates from opposition parties and independent candidates in the past puppet presidential elections and the election of the mayor of Seoul, 9 473 in all.

It was reported that by sending the blacklist to the puppet Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and its affiliated bodies Park Geun Hye and her group branded progressive persons of literature and arts as "dangerous elements" and conducted "political inspection" of their literary and art activities, persecuting them by way of cutting off "governmental aid fund" at the first phase.

This is an undisguised violation of expression of free will and legitimate right and unpardonable human rights abuse against the south Korean persons of literature and arts, the statement said, and went on:

The recently disclosed indiscriminate and illegal suppression of them by Park is just a tip of iceberg as it was prompted by her sinister intention to check the south Korean people's ever-mounting actions against the "government" and ensure the fascists' long-term office.

The situation goes to prove that it is hard to expect the guarantee of free will of literary and art persons and their activities and achieve the long-cherished social progress as long as Park Geun Hye and her group are allowed to remain in power.

The Park group should clearly understand that they have no future, however desperate they become in suppressing justice.

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