calendar>>October 21. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Court Urged to Correct Wrong Judgment on KCTU Chairman
Pyongyang, October 21 (KCNA) -- Han Sang Gyun, chairman of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), at a trial on an appeal in the puppet Seoul High Court on Oct. 13 disclosed the injustice of the judgment passed on him, according to the south Korean internet newspaper Chamsesang.

He said that at the first trial the court sentenced him to 5 years in prison and fine amounting to 500 000 won.

On the same day the KCTU, the 2016 Headquarters for People's All-out Action and the Headquarters of Struggle for Paek Nam Gi held a press conference in Seoul before the trial in protest against the court's wrong judgment.

The speakers urged the court to set right the misjudgment and rewrite the sentence worked out by the regime.

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