calendar>>October 17. 2016 Juche 105
Seminar on World Food Day Held
Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- A seminar on the 2016 World Food Day was held at the Grand People's Study House on Monday.

Present there were officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant units, the representative of the WFP, the deputy representative of the FAO and other members of missions of international organizations here, diplomatic envoys and officials of their embassies here.

Speakers said that the seminar on the theme of "Application of food and agriculture to cope with climate change" would offer a good occasion in taking measures to make sustainable development of agriculture and ensure food security.

They noted that the DPRK is directing primary efforts to settling the food problem of the people.

Many countries of the world are suffering food shortage due to the climate change, they pointed out, adding: In order to overcome this, it is necessary to develop agriculture and further strengthen cooperation with international organizations.

Speakers explained the phenomenon of the climate change in the DPRK and various other countries and practical measures in agriculture to cope with them.

The participants enjoyed an art performance given by Korean children.

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