calendar>>October 13. 2016 Juche 105
National Reconciliation Council Spokesman Denounces Park Geun Hye Group for Fascist Suppression
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Reconciliation Council made public a statement Thursday denouncing the Park Geun Hye group of south Korea for making last-ditch efforts to tide over the crisis at home and abroad, while frantically resorting to the fascist suppression of the progressives.

Recently the group of traitors sentenced three core persons including a spokesman for the former Unified Progressive Party who had been in jail on the charge of being involved in the case of the Ri Sok Gi-led rebellion plot to prison terms and Kim Ki Jong to 12-year prison term for attacking the U.S. ambassador in Seoul with a dagger.

Meanwhile, it sentenced to a prison term a resident who issued a paper condemning the puppet authorities during his university period in 2008 on charges of groundless crimes.

Even Park Geun Hye openly poured blistering remarks against the people who turned out in a demonstration in demand of their right to existence against the deployment of THAAD and let the riot police walk away innocent residents, creating a horrible terror-ridden atmosphere.

The Council denounces the barbarous suppression committed by the puppet forces as a hideous violation of the political freedom and dignity of the people from all walks of life and their right to existence, and an unpardonable criminal act of escalating confrontation the fellow countrymen in the north and pushing the north-south relations to the worst danger line, the statement said, and went on:

What should not be overlooked is that the puppet group is perpetrating the fascist suppression under the signboard of "eliminating forces following the north and dishonest forces". But this is because it does not have a way-out.

It is needless to say that the sinister aim sought by it is to divert elsewhere the attention of the enraged people focused on it for its fascist suppression of broad segments of the people including the progressive patriotic forces, rally conservative forces and thus tide over the worst ruling crisis.

The more the Park group resorts to the last-ditch fascist suppression, the greater wrath and protest of the people it will bring.

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