calendar>>October 13. 2016 Juche 105
Housing Construction Progresses Apace in Disaster Areas
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Working people in North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK have made a progress in building flats in flood-hit Kyongwon County.

According to data available, they had conducted the construction of dwelling houses for more than 200 households in the county at 70 percent until October 9.

Those from 10-odd industrial establishments in the province, including the Kim Chaek Taegyong Fishery Station, the Kyongwon Area Coal-Mining Complex and the Kyongsong Ceramic Factory, have worked hard to finish the housing construction at the highest level as soon as possible by introducing new building methods.

The plastering of floors and ceilings was completely done and tile-setting and other finishing work are now going at fast tempo.

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