calendar>>October 13. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Enforcement of Secondary Education for Koreans in Japan Marked
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting of educators of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan took place at the Korean Hall of Culture in Tokyo on Oct. 8 to mark the 70th anniversary of the enforcement of the secondary education for Koreans in Japan.

Present there were Chairman Ho Jong Man and vice-chairmen of the Central Standing Committee of Chongryon, officials of organizations and enterprises including the chairman of the Union of Korean Educational Association in Japan, the rector and the director general of Korean University, the president of the Hagu Bookshop, principals and teachers of schools at different levels of Chongryon, compatriots and parents of students in the Kanto area and students of Korean University.

A congratulatory message sent by the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly was read out at the meeting to be followed by a congratulatory message by the Education Commission of the DPRK.

Ho Jong Man made a report.

He said that the foundation of the Korean Secondary School in Tokyo on Oct. 5, 1946 declared to the world the enforcement of the secondary education for Koreans in Japan. And Koreans in Japan encouraged by President Kim Il Sung's letter "To One Million Korean Compatriots in Japan" built secondary and higher schools in different parts of Japan and completed the system of the secondary education for children of compatriots in Japan.

Thanks to the wise leadership and warm love of the President, Korean University was built on April 10, 1956. Therefore, a regular educational system from primary schools and the university was put in place and a new phase of development of national education was opened.

Educational aid fund and stipends sent by the President served as life-giving water of love in the literal sense of the word, bringing the great flower garden of national education in Japan.

Leader Kim Jong Il developed and enriched the idea and theory of the Juche-oriented national education and led it to advance along the orbit of Juche.

The immortal leadership feats the great leaders performed in the work of national education of Chongryon are shedding their rays more brightly thanks to Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Speeches were made.

A letter to Kim Jong Un was read out at the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the participants watched a video "Shine, Our Korean School".

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