calendar>>October 3. 2016 Juche 105
Works of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Un Introduced in Hungary
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- The Hungarian Workers' Party carried President Kim Il Sung's work "Let Us Further Strengthen the People's Government" and Marshal Kim Jong Un's work "The Great Kim Il Sung Is the Eternal Leader of Our Party and Our People" in the newspaper Szabadsag and a website on September 26.

The work of Kim Il Sung published on December 15, Juche 66 (1977) clarifies the principled issues for strengthening the people's government, powerful weapon in the revolution and construction, and for increasing its function and role in every way.

The work of Kim Jong Un published on April 20, Juche 101 (2012) deals with the revolutionary life-long exploits performed by the President and leader Kim Jong Il.

The work gives the tasks for firmly defending and glorifying the ideas and exploits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

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