calendar>>October 2. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean People Demand Apology for Paek Nam Gi's Death and Punishment of Arch Criminal
Pyongyang, October 2 (KCNA) -- There took place a rally outside the Seoul Sejong Cultural Center on September 29 in demand of a stop to the attempt for autopsy of peasant Paek Nam Gi who met death by violence of the Park Geun Hye group, the puppet regime's apology and punishment of the chief criminal responsible for Paek's death.

Attending the rally were more than 500 religious persons of four religious orders of south Korea including Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism and Ronal Buddhism, about 1,000 members of civic and public organizations, 350 odd members of judicial circles and at least 3,000 scholars, persons of culture and artistes, workers, peasants, poor people, women, youth and students.

Speeches were made by Jong Hyon Chan, chairman of the south Korean Catholic Peasants Association; Paek Minjuhwa, daughter of Paek Nam Gi; painter Rim Ok Sang; and Choe Jong Jin, acting chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions.

In a declaration on the situation they demanded the regime make a sincere apology before the bereaved family of Paek Nam Gi and express deep condolences over his death, thoroughly investigate the case and punish the chief criminal responsible for the death through special inspection.

They urged the regime to stop such violence as trampling down the people and use of water cannon at once.

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