calendar>>October 2. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Discloses Aggressive Nature of S. Korea-U.S. "Mutual Defense Treaty"
Pyongyang, October 2 (KCNA) -- The south Korea-U.S. "Mutual Defense Treaty" signed on October 1, 1953 is the treaty for aggression and unequal and shackling one, Rodong Sinmun Sunday says in an article.

The south Korea-U.S. "Mutual Defense Treaty" is the product of the U.S. ambition for invading the Korean peninsula and the south Korean puppet authorities' attempt for invading the north, the article says, and goes on:

The signing of the treaty enabled the U.S. to justify the military occupation of south Korea and hold fast to the OPECON and incite the south Korean stooges to continue the moves to ignite a new war. Articles of the treaty allow the three services of the U.S. to be deployed in any part of south Korea and provide for the unlimited validity of the treaty, revealing its aggressive nature.

There is also an article saying that the U.S. is capable of launching military action against the DPRK promptly once it deems it necessary. This goes to prove that the above-said treaty is the product of the U.S. and south Korea to ignite a new war any time on the Korean peninsula.

The treaty violates the sovereignty of the Korean nation, blocks the way of national reunification and paves the way for a second Korean war. Herein lies the intolerable aggressive and criminal nature of the south Korea-U.S. "Mutual Defense Treaty".

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