calendar>>October 1. 2016 Juche 105
Older Persons in DPRK Have Pleasant Time on Int'l Day of Older Persons
Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- The old people in the DPRK enjoyed cultural and leisure activities on International Day of Older Persons.

Revolutionary opera "Victory of the revolution is in sight" was put on the stage at the Pyongyang Grand Theatre.

Enjoying the opera were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, O Su Yong, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Jong Yong Su, minister of Labor and chairman of the Central Committee of the Federation for the Care of the Elderly of Korea, officials concerned, former unconverted long-term prisoners, war veterans, meritorious persons and pensioners in Pyongyang.

Present there on invitation were staff members of foreign diplomatic missions and missions of international organizations here.

There took place sports and amusement games of the elderly in Phalgol Park in Pyongyang.

The elderly people had dancing parties, revving up the mood of the capital city.

Okryu Restaurant, Chongryu Restaurant and other public catering establishments kindly served older persons.

Older persons spent a pleasant time in the Amusement Ground of Kaeson Youth Park, Rungna People's Pleasure Park, the Central Zoo, the Nature Museum and the Rungna Dolphinarium.

Officials of the party and power bodies visited homes for the aged to present the health seekers with daily necessities and souvenirs.

Amusement games of old persons were held in every scenic spot and recreation ground across the country. Welfare service facilities provided special service to older persons.

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