calendar>>October 1. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Editorially Observes Founding Anniversary of Kim Il Sung University
Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Saturday dedicates an editorial to the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Il Sung University.

The editorial says that the university was founded on Oct. 1, Juche 35 (1946), unfolding a new history of Juche-oriented education and providing a firm guarantee for dynamically advancing the revolution and construction by training a large number of native cadres with its own efforts.

70 years since its foundation represent a glorious history in which it has shed its rays as the socialist university of Juche and pride of the nation under the warm loving care of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu and a proud history in which it has played a core role in training native cadres and developing the country's education and science.

Over the past seven decades Kim Il Sung University has trained tens of thousands of native cadres ideologically steadfast and well versed in science and technology, thus making a great contribution to strengthening the Workers' Party of Korea and carrying out the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun.

It is the greatest exploit performed by the university that it has produced a large contingent of native cadres who form the backbone of the Party, state, economic and cultural institutions and various fields.

When the university produces more and better native cadres and they creditably fulfill their responsibilities and roles at their posts, the DPRK's politico-ideological might will grow stronger and the Korean revolution make a long drive.

It is the proud picture of Kim Il Sung University that it is exploring fresh areas of sciences and cross-disciplinary sciences, creating innovative and efficient educational methods and holding high the banner in all spheres.

Firm is the Workers' Party of Korea's determination to steadily glorify Kim Il Sung University as the university of the great leaders and the highest seat of Juche-oriented education and science and usher in a shining heyday of the building of socialist education.

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