calendar>>September 25. 2016 Juche 105
70th Anniversary of Agricultural Publishing House Marked
Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- The Agricultural Publishing House marked its 70th founding anniversary.

President Kim Il Sung founded the magazine Korean Agriculture on September 25, Juche 35 (1946) and guided the publishing house's work for releasing magazines and books so that it might play the role as powerful weapon promoting development of agricultural science of the country and the settlement of food problem for the people.

Leader Kim Jong Il led the Agricultural Publishing House to discharge its mission and set forth the significant day of the first agricultural magazine founded by the President as the foundation day of the publishing house.

For the past seven decades since its foundation the Agricultural Publishing House has developed into publication and information service base with strong editing force and good conditions and fulfilled the honorable duty of dynamically arousing agricultural workers and officials to implement the Party's policy for agricultural revolution.

A meeting to mark the 70th anniversary of the publishing house took place on Sunday.

The congratulatory message sent by the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea to the journalists, editors and officials of the publishing house was conveyed at the meeting.

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