calendar>>September 25. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Nuclear Deterrence Guarantees Peace and Security of Country: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- The DPRK's nuclear deterrence provides a sure guarantee for reliably deterring the U.S. moves for a nuclear war and firmly defending the peace and security of the country, says Rodong Sinmun Sunday in an article.

The distress-torn history of the Korean nation teaches a bitter lesson that if it is weak in arms, it cannot defend its sovereignty and it is bound to meet a more miserable fate than a dog in the house of death, the article notes, and goes on:

The sovereignty of south Korea is being ruthlessly trampled down by foreign forces. The U.S. imperialists' presence in south Korea is the root cause of violating the sovereignty and dignity of the nation and hindering its uniform development.

The DPRK has built matchless nuclear deterrence capable of beating back any aggressors at one blow despite difficulties and ordeals under the unfurled banner of Songun because it could not tolerate the arbitrary practices of the U.S. to mock at the destiny of the Korean nation under the motto of Yankee-style pragmatism that meeting one's own interests precisely means "truth" and logic of the jungle law.

The U.S. and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors are running the whole gamut of invectives such as the DPRK's daily increasing nuclear deterrence is posing "grave threat," regarding it as a thorn in their flesh. But these jargons are nothing but desperate frenzy of those doomed as dregs of history who are well aware that they can never realize their ambition for invading the north.

The army and people of the DPRK will reliably protect the destiny and dignity of the country and the nation with a firm grip on the steel-strong war deterrence which represents the muscle of justice and finally make a clean sweep of foreign forces and the group of traitors and proudly build a peaceful and prosperous reunified power on this land.

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