calendar>>September 23. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Introduced by Media of Singapore, Russia
Pyongyang, September 23 (KCNA) -- The Singaporean paper Straits Times on Sept. 11 devoted two whole pages to a travelogue of a tourist who visited the DPRK.

The author of the article said that there were hardly any expectations that one can see the true picture of the DPRK known for "deterrence" and "isolation". It went on:

But very impressive was the daily life of people in this country I witnessed during my visit to it.

A member of the Children's Union took the hand of a grandmother at a zebra crossing and helped her cross the road safely and bowed to her, and young men and women danced with joy at Kim Il Sung Square, the plaza of the Arch of Triumph and other places, very interesting scenes.

The tourist described in detail about his impressions of going round the Pyongyang Metro and streets, and continued:

During the last period of my visit to the DPRK I visited Panmunjom.

A soldier of the Korean People's Army whom I met there said that if the U.S. ignites another war of aggression, the KPA will wipe out all the aggressors to the last one so that there would be no one left to sign a surrender document.

Through my visit to the DPRK I witnessed the modest and truthful Koreans.

The paper edited photos the tourist had taken.

Meanwhile, the Russian internet news Primorski Reporzor and internet paper Bremya Peremyon on Sept. 15 and 16 introduced monumental edifices wonderfully built thanks to the warm loving care of the mother party (the Workers' Party of Korea) including the Nature Museum, Masikryong Ski Resort, Mirim Riding Club and the Rungna People's Pleasure Park.

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