calendar>>September 22. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Red Cross Society Warns Park Geun Hye Group against Anti-DPRK Rhetoric
Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- As reported, the strongest storm accompanied by downpour in the meteorological observation since the liberation of Korea hit several cities and counties along the Tuman River in the northern tip of Korea recently, causing huge damage.

A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Red Cross Society of the DPRK issued a statement Thursday.

It said:

The Park Geun Hye group of south Korea is using conservative media to misrepresent the stirring realities in the sites for the recovery from the flood damage, while talking about "hard labor", "burden of cost for recovery", "increasing discontent ", etc. The group even let human scum spread stories about "living of north's inhabitants" and scatter anti-DPRK leaflets to the areas of the DPRK side.

It is elementary human ethics and universal practice to console the victims and render help to the disaster-hit area when flood and other disasters happen.

But the Park group is keen on groundless smear campaign, far from expressing sympathy over the pain suffered by the fellow countrymen.

The group are made up of villains in whom nothing human can be found as they are steeped in misanthropy and hostility towards fellow countrymen to the marrow of their bones.

Those going against human ethics are bound to meet divine punishment.

The group will be made to keenly feel what a high price they will have to pay for committing hideous crimes against human ethics and humanitarianism as they are malignantly slandering the campaign for the recovery from the flood damage, obsessed with confrontation with compatriots.

We take this opportunity to serve a warning to the reptile media, hack writers and despicable human scum who are resorting to anti-DPRK smear campaign to serve Park nearing her death.

The army and people of the DPRK and all other Koreans will never pardon the Park group, hordes of the most wicked immoral ruffians going desperate in the moves to abuse even disaster met by fellow countrymen for escalating confrontation campaign.

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