calendar>>September 22. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Calls for Throwing Overboard Park Geun Hye in Good Time
Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- The Korean peninsula is now in such serious danger that a nuclear war may break out any time.

After escalating the nuclear war racket against the DPRK, the U.S. staged the largest-ever Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills this year, too. In its wake the U.S. deployed nuclear strategic assets including nuclear strategic bombers, one of the triad nuclear force, in south Korea and its vicinity, rendering the situation extremely tense.

It is the DPRK's exercise of the legitimate right to self-defense to cope with the evermore increased U.S. nuclear war threat with bolstered nuclear force.

What matters is that the Park Geun Hye group are going reckless with flame sticks in hands in the dangerous place where the nukes of justice and those of tyrants are standing in acute confrontation.

It is the Park group that are staging nuclear war drills against the DPRK almost every day after introducing U.S. nuclear war means into south Korea. It is again the Park group that brought the inter-Korean relations to a collapse, pushing the confrontation to an extreme phase.

The group of traitors are mulling bringing nuclear carrier task flotilla with the U.S. nuclear carrier Ronald Reagan as an axis from the middle of October to the West and South Seas of Korea in a bid to kick off combined rehearsal for "mounting a precision attack on the headquarters" of the DPRK.

The group are making no scruple of spouting such malignant invectives as "scorched-earth operation against the north's supreme leadership" and "removal of the war command," openly trumpeting about "regime change in the north". This goes to clearly prove that their confrontation hysteria has reached an uncontrollable phase.

There is a real danger that the policy of confrontation pursued by Pak Geun Hye at the risk of her life may serve as a detonating fuse to ignite a nuclear war on the peninsula.

If the atmosphere of confrontation reaches an extreme phase, a war is bound to break out and this war is sure to lead to a nuclear war.

No one can predict what horrible disaster south Korea will have to suffer owing to the Park group of traitors getting frantic in utter disregard of the destiny of tens of millions of people.

It is by no means fortuitous that bitter curses against Park are heard from the south Korean people.

This biggest trouble maker should be thrown overboard in good time.

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