calendar>>September 22. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Media Introduce Kim Il Sung's Exploits Performed in Nation-building
Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Foreign media devote special write-ups to the 68th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK.

The Lao paper Pasason on Aug. 30 carried an article titled "Founder of the DPRK" illustrated with a portrait of smiling President Kim Il Sung.

The paper recalled that Kim Il Sung explored the way of building a people's power which protects and serves the interests of the popular masse from an independent stand, not wedded to the established theories and foreign experience. It introduced in detail the exploits performed by him for liberating Korea and building the nation.

He led his country and people at the helm of the DPRK for nearly half a century, the paper added.

The August issue of International Link, magazine of Hong Kong of China, carried special write-ups illustrated with photos of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

The magazine carried photos showing the DPRK's successful launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4, etc.

Election Times of Pakistan on Aug. 30 said in an article titled "The DPRK in the Past and at Present" that Korea, once subject to the miserable fate as a weak colony, put an end to the distress-torn history of a stateless nation and emerged as a dignified independent and sovereign state under the leadership of Kim Il Sung.

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