calendar>>September 5. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Strong-arm Policies Are Bound to Go Bankrupt: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- The present U.S. administration's ego-driven foreign policies are going belly-up one after another.

As regards TTIP a German vice chancellor asserted on Aug. 28 that as Europe could not cave in to the demand of the U.S., negotiations actually broke down.

This was little short of a declaration of resistance against the U.S. strong-arm policies and a herald of their bankruptcy.

TTIP negotiations were the ones for U.S.-EU FTA pushed forward by the Obama administration to make it the best "goal" of its foreign policy since it started three years ago, being billed as the "building of the world's biggest free trade zone."

But even allies in EU turned their back on the three-year-lingering negotiations with the U.S. as they disliked its self-assertive approach to the negotiations and ego-driven pursuit of its interests. It came to rupture at last, glooming the prospect of clinch.

The Obama administration's bungling foreign policies are on the verge of going belly-up, meeting the frostiest-ever receptions not only in Europe but also in Middle East.

The deceptive Middle East policy of Obama, who committed himself to "withdrawing GIs from Iraq" and "getting reconciled with Islam," not like his predecessors, caused the turmoil of "Arab Spring" and reduced the whole Middle East region into a mayhem hit by an evil cycle of terror and reprisal.

As a result, the U.S. was branded as the world's worst human rights abuser wholly to blame for causing the worst refugee crisis.

Other foreign policies advocated by Obama including the one for "building a world without nuclear weapons" faced real flops one after another for their unfeasibility and deceptive nature.

Specifically, the Obama administration's anachronistic "strategic patience" policy aimed at "bringing down" the social system of the DPRK through sanctions and pressure went completely bankrupt and only resulted in promoting the strategic position of the DPRK as a nuclear power.

Such disgrace being suffered by the U.S. in the eyes of the world public is by no means accidental.

Sovereignty represents the vitality of a country and nation and independence is the trend of the times and history.

The U.S. strategy for dominating the world based on strong-arm and arbitrary policies, aggression and intervention is being rejected by the world and is fated to go bankrupt as it is going against the trend of history.

Collin Murphy, former editor-in-chief of a U.S. magazine, wrote in a book that the situation of the U.S. dates back to the Roman Empire on the verge of ruin, adding the U.S. and the Roman Empire all faced a series of crisis due to their exceeding influence over other countries beyond their boundaries.

Robert Mary, a reporter of Wall Street Journal, asserted that the U.S. made a mistake by planting its flag on the core part of other nation's civilization without any reasonable pretext for igniting a war in the 21st century, adding conceptions like expansion of freedom and transplanting of democracy are no more than an item on the list of hopes.

The story about "collapse of the U.S." like "end of the 'era of the U.S.'" and "ruin of the U.S." that floated around during the period of the Bush administration has become realistic. It is an inevitability of history that the world will witness it.

With the passage of the time the world will clearly witness the final ruin of the U.S. along with the bankruptcy of its notorious hostile policy toward the DPRK.

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